My master plan includes opening a gift shop after retirement (featuring handcrafted inventory - of course!) and I've been blessed with an opportunity to try some things out. A friend has a beautiful, quaint giftbasket store & offered me display space in exchange for marketing/advertising advice & running the shop on Saturdays. Definitely a win-win situation for both of us. Here are a couple pics of the shop - isn't it great?
The best part of the whole deal is that every Saturday I take along projects to work on when I don't have customers (lol), so I'm consistently crafting! My display will focus on cross-stitched handtowels, pillows, bookmarks, ornaments, and framed pieces along with handpainted figurines, angels & santas that I love to do. Figure I'll be ready to setup the display shortly after Labor Day so stay tuned for pics.
In the meantime, I've finished the back of the Beachcomber Tunic and most of the left side. Here are my progress pics....
Good luck on your endeavor to make some muula :)
That shop looks so comfortable & neat! Good deal for you.
Deb, the shop is awesome. I'm so jealous! The tunic looks good. Can I place my order yet? I'll take one in the same color!
Great shop! I hope things will go well for you. The tunic is looking lovely.
Congrats on the new opportunity! Your tunic is coming along nicely too!
Good luck! I can't wait to see pics!
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