Friday, June 08, 2007

Worldwide Knit In Public (WWKIP) Day

June 9th is WWKIP Day. You can go here WWKIPDAY to get all the details but hey - who needs details????? Just do your thing!

I plan to spend most of the day manning my friend's giftshop so what better way to spend the downtime than working on the tunic that I've been neglecting.

In other stitching news, last week I actually picked up a needle & linen and started a quick stitch project. It felt so good to get back to something I love so much. Hope to have pics real soon.


Anonymous said...

This is a nice picture. Where do you find them?

Unknown said...

Saw this fabulous pic on sistahcraft's blog ( It's an image by Florence Ward (ca. 1950 - 1970).